
Assurance of Learning Seminar II (Americas)

Build skills and network at an interactive event focused on examining innovative approaches to measuring, reporting, and closing the loop in your assessment program.
May 21​ – 23​
Event Type
Seminar Icon Seminar
  • Introductions and Objectives
  • Module: Where Am I Relative to Other Systems?
  • Module: What Is a Mature AoL System?
  • Module: From Mission to Measurement
  • Summary of Lesson One
  • Review of Lesson One
  • Module: Data Collection
  • Module: Using Data to Close the Loop
  • Module: Identifying Improvements
  • Summary of Lesson Two
  • Review of Lesson Two
  • Module: Demonstrating Closing the Loop
  • Module: Encouraging Faculty Ownership of AoL
  • Module: Preparing for the Peer Review Team Visit
  • Summary of Lesson Three