Diversity and Inclusion in the Standards

Diversity and inclusion are among AACSB’s core values and are a critical component of the 2020 business accreditation standards.
Preamble, Philosophy, and Guiding Principles

The preamble identifies AACSB organizational values as: quality, diversity and inclusion, global mindset, ethics, social responsibility, and community.

AACSB remains deeply committed to diversity and inclusion in collegiate business education. These values of diversity and inclusion foster the exploration of differences in a safe and supportive environment, where community members move beyond tolerance of differences to seeking and celebrating the rich dimensions of diversity and the contributions these differences make to innovative, engaged, and impactful business experiences. When business schools unlock access, reduce barriers, and intentionally create strategies to engage disadvantaged or underrepresented populations, they create an environment of success and enhance excellence.

Guiding Principle 9 speaks to diversity and inclusion as a foundation of AACSB accreditation:

Diversity in people and ideas enhances the educational experience and encourages excellence in every business education program. At the same time, diversity is a culturally embedded concept rooted in historical and cultural traditions, legislative and regulatory concepts, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic conditions, religious practices, and individual and shared experiences. Within this complex environment, the school is expected to demonstrate a commitment to advancing diversity and inclusion issues in the context of the cultural landscape in which it operates. The school fosters awareness, understanding, acceptance, and respect for diverse viewpoints related to current and emerging issues.

Download the 2020 Standards and Interpretive Guidance
Cover page for the 2020 Guiding Principles and Standards
Download the 2020 Business Accreditation Standards
Cover page for the 2020 Interpretive Guidance for AACSB Business Accreditation
Download the 2020 Interpretive Guidance