How AACSB Is Transforming Business School Education

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July 2021

AACSB’s white paper, How AACSB Is Transforming Business School Accreditation, provides an overview of how AACSB accreditation has evolved over the years to adapt to the changing landscape of business education. The paper identifies four key contributions to business education made by the 2020 accreditation standards, addresses important changes to accreditation processes and volunteer training, and highlights key differences in applying the standards to schools seeking initial accreditation versus schools in the continuous improvement review process.

This brief includes:

  • The four distinct contributions of the 2020 standards
    • Principles-Based, Outcomes-Focused Standards
    • Imperative for Positive Societal Impact
    • Embracement of Alternative Instructional Delivery Models and Methods
    • Collaboration Across Institutions and Disciplines
  • Reimagining accreditation included two major process improvements
    • Emphasis on the collegiality and consultative approach that follows a principles-based set of standards
    • Provision of comparison data that gives context to a school for the peer review visit.


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How AACSB Is Transforming Business School Accreditation
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