
AI Conference

Leverage generative AI tools for teaching, research, and administration.
October 9​ – 10​, 2024
Paris, France
Event Type
Conference Icon Conference
  • Cesim is the world's leading provider of multilingual, multidisciplinary business simulations that help educators improve student engagement and employability. Our simulations incorporate responsible management as a core component of business strategy. With the integration of Generative AI, educators can now deliver personalized and relevant experiential learning to their students with ease. Schools in over 40 countries are already improving their learner success with Cesim
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Become an Exhibitor!
Your participation as an exhibitor is a key part of AACSB’s efforts to offer a high-quality conference experience to the global business education community and a unique opportunity to interact with existing and prospective clients and customers. When you become an exhibitor, you gain exposure for your organization and most importantly, be recognized as a leading resource for business schools.

Exhibit at the 2024 AI Conference to:

  • take advantage of networking opportunities;
  • showcase your products and services to b-school deans, assistant/associate deans, department chairs and faculty;
  • keep up with industry trends by attending informative sessions;
  • reinforce long-term business relationships; and
  • stay ahead of the competition and make sure attendees have the opportunity to visit your exhibit table!
Exhibit Table package includes:
  • 6' table, standard ID signage, two chairs, and one wastepaper basket
  • Complimentary hyperlinked listing on the AACSB website
  • Access to conference attendee list (limited to name and institution)
  • Access to the AACSB Exchange conference community where conference materials, rosters, and discussions are posted before, during, and after the conference
  • One full conference registration and two expo-only registrations. Expo-only staff only have access to the exhibitor showcase, luncheons, the reception and cannot attend sessions.