
Getting Benchmarking Right

This online hybrid course seeks to provide a good introduction to benchmarking as a proven method for quality assurance and institutional development through synchronous and asynchronous content.
November 28​ – December 14​, 2022
Event Type
Webinar Icon Webinars and Online Courses

Getting Benchmarking Right Agenda

Unlike a seminar that is primarily synchronous and has defined times and schedules, this is an online course that is primarily asynchronous with approximately 4 hours of studying and exercise per week. Course content will be via AACSB’s learning platform and participants can engage whenever it is most convenient for them.

There will also be a live synchronous session each week that will last approximately 60-90 minutes each during which the facilitators will summarize the week’s topics and engage the cohort in discussion about those topics. These live synchronous sessions are the only fixed agenda items. Recordings of live sessions will be available.

Dates and times of live sessions: 

November 30, 2022, 3:00 p.m. CET

December 7, 2022, 3:00 p.m. CET

December 14, 2022, 3:00 p.m. CET

Module Questions

  • What are relevant benchmarking areas in internationalization for your institution?
  • How do you define those areas?
  • How would you define and select national/international peers and competitors (criteria and cluster)?
  • Are you aware of national/international peers and competitors for your institution?

Video Discussion: Introduce Yourself

Synchronous Learning

Mapping participants experience, institutional and national backgrounds to ensure peer-to-peer engagement

Meet Fellow Participants


Benchmarking 101

Synchronous Learning

Intro to benchmarking methodology, typology of peers and competitors

Discussion Forum

Synchronous Learning

What are relevant benchmarking areas and criteria in internationalization?

Case Study: "Benchmarking Internationalization"

A boutique business school case and its internationalization

Module Study & Desk Research

Participants will be provided with articles on benchmarking as a methodology. This will provide the basic mindset and vocabulary for benchmarking and possible areas of application.


  1. How to define and select national and international peers and competitors
  2. Sub Topic: How to define relevant benchmarking criteria and cluster?

Wrap-up Module 1: Discussions & Conclusions

Check-in on learning outcomes and satisfaction

Module Questions

  • Which unit within your institution would organize benchmarking activities?
  • Where would you see access to get internal/external benchmarking data?

Benchmarking 102

Synchronous Learning

How to get access to relevant and reliable data sources for internal/external benchmarking data?

Benchmarking Internationalization

Synchronous Learning

StudyPortals Dashboard: Professional benchmarking for International student recruitment and programme development

Discussion Forum

Synchronous Learning

StudyPortals will provide a dashboard based simulation environment where participants can learn with real data. The external market data provided through StudyPortals will help participants to develop a structured way to understand the complex environment of prospect behavior and learn how peers and competitors are attracting prospect attention.


Student mobility and programme positioning with StudyPortals Dashboard™ 

Module Study & Desk Research

Preparation, learning, reading, understanding the core of benchmarking

Wrap-up Module 2: Discussions & Conclusions

Check-in on learning outcomes and satisfaction

Module Questions

  • What kind of institutional culture needs to be in place to use external benchmarking processes for strategic planning?
  • What are potential drivers and barriers in your institution?

Benchmarking 103

Who gives/has the mandate, resources, leadership role(s) to develop benchmarking?

Benchmarking Sources

  • External: Financial Times Ranking Data
  • Internal: AACSB DataDirect: Institutional Benchmarking for Strategic Quality Management

Discussion Forum

Synchronous Learning

Financial Times vs. AACSB DataDirect: Institutional Benchmarking for Strategic Quality Management


Strategic benchmarking with AACSB DataDirect and Financial Times  

The immense value of institutional data hidden in AACSB DataDirect will be disclosed in a structured way so participants learn to find their way in this valuable resource for the evaluations and school development.

Module Study & Desk Research

Preparation, learning, reading, understanding the core of benchmarking