Value of AACSB-Accredited Business Schools

AACSB is the world’s largest business education network and global accreditor with the highest-quality standards.

  • 1,900+ member organization in 100+ countries/territories serving 5 millon+ enrolled students and lifelong learners.
  • 1,000+ accredited schools in 60+ countries/territories.
  • 1,000+ volunteers in 100+ countries/territories.
  • 3 global offices serving the Americas (Tampa, Florida); Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (Amsterdam); and Asia Pacific (Singapore).
  • AACSB serves a network of over 150,000 faculty, thought leaders, and business influencers.
  • 150+ learning and development opportunities.
  • 40+ networking communities.

Connect to Quality. AACSB accreditation is globally recognized as the highest standard of quality in business education by educators, business, and students.

  • Approximately 6 percent of the world’s schools offering business degree education have achieved AACSB accreditation, demonstrating a commitment to high-quality rigorous standards, innovation, and continuous process improvement.
  • AACSB accreditation is one of the requirements to be considered for the rankings with the Financial Times and US News.
  • 80+ peer-reviewed articles indicate that AACSB accreditation enhances academic quality, establishes a robust brand for affiliated schools, encourages increased resources and support, and generates improved outcomes for students. 
  • In FY2022-23, members gave a 92 percent satisfaction rating for accreditation visits and a 96 percent rating on the value of AACSB accreditation, based on a 100-percent scale.

AACSB accredited schools help students find their purpose and provide top talent and the latest research knowledge to business. Graduates are ready on day one with the problem-solving and analytical mindset and durable skills needed to lead change and transform business and society.

  • 70 percent of the CEOs representing Fortune 100 companies have a business degree from an AACSB-accredited school.
  • 70 percent of the Top Paid CEOs representing S&P 500 companies have a degree from an AACSB-accredited school.
  • 83 percent of lifelong learners say a business degree is very important or important to career success, based on a 2022 AACSB survey of more than 3,500 global participants.
  • Some of the most Influential Leaders in the world are alumni of AACSB-accredited business schools.

Results from GMAC surveys of longitudinal candidate surveys in 2022 reinforce the value of business education and AACSB-accredited business schools.

  • 87 percent of alumni from AACSB accredited-schools agree their graduate management education was professionally rewarding.
  • 96 percent of responding alumni from AACSB-accredited business schools are employed, including 91 percent who work for a company and 5 percent who are self-employed entrepreneurs.
  • 88 percent of alumni from AACSB-accredited schools agree that their graduate business education increased their employability.
  • 87 percent of alumni from AACSB-accredited schools agree that the skills they developed in business school advanced their careers.
  • 83 percent of alumni from AACSB-accredited schools agree that their graduate business education increased their earning power.


This one-page information sheet is a handy tool available for your use in promoting the value of AACSB accreditation and business education to potential and current learners.

Learner One-Pager
AACSB Learner Information Sheet Thumbnail