Asia University

# of Students in the Business School
In accordance with the Asia University’s four founding philosophical creeds set by the Board of Directors: Healthy, Caring, Excellence, and Innovation, and 10-year University Development Plan approved by the Board, the College of Management has developed its own four missions: (1) Professional Knowledge, (2) Innovative Ideas, (3) Business Ethics, and (4) International Visions, as the guidance of student recruitments, course-program designs, teaching and research directions of faculty members, and student assistance programs for 3600 full time students in the six major departments. The statements of the College Mission are as follows:
1. Professional Knowledge: Cultivating students with modern professional knowledge and capabilities in five major business functional areas: (1) Marketing, (2) Technology and Operations, (3) Human Resources, (4) Finance, and (5) Accounting and Information.
2. Innovative Ideas: Cultivating students with creative thinking and innovative actions in effective product developments, business models, and service industries operations.
3. Business Ethics: Promoting students’ strong responsibility in individual morals and business ethical behavior in consumer protection, green environments and social responsibilities.
4. International Visions: Providing students with the international visions in the dynamic environments of global village, diversified cultures, and world-wide operations.
We offer both undergraduate and graduate programs and a wide range of concentrations in both. Although AsiaUniversity is the youngest among higher education institutions in Taiwan, it was ranked as No.1 newly established university in recent evaluation by a non-profit organization in Taiwan.
The College of Management is committed to internationalism and to training students to be global managers or leaders. We appreciate cultural diversity and welcome all kinds of international collaboration such as student and faculty exchanges which broaden our students' global perspective.